English Chinese (Traditional)
Name: 名稱:
Procs: 1流程
Threads: 線程
Concurrent Processes 並發進程
Max Threads 最大線程
PHP Servers PHP服務器
Main Server: Current: %s, Min Required: %s 當前:%s,最低要求:%s
Local Server: Current: %s, Min Required: %s 當前:%s,最低要求:%s
Minimum Connections: 測試連結
Assumes 100 spare connections for Web page users and other various connections. 為網頁用戶和其他各種連接假設 100 個備用連接。
The minimum required can vary greatly if there is heavy user Graph viewing activity. 如果有大量用戶圖表查看活動,所需的最低限度可能會有很大差異。
Each browser tab can use upto 10 connections depending on the browser. 每個瀏覽器選項卡最多可以使用 10 個連接,具體取決於瀏覽器。
Script Timeout 腳本超時
Last Run Statistics 上次運行統計
System Memory 系統內存
%0.2f GB
MySQL/MariaDB Memory Statistics (Source: MySQL Tuner)
Max Total Memory Possible 允許的最大輪詢內存:
Reduce MySQL/MariaDB Memory to less than 80% of System Memory. Preserve additional Cache Memory for RRDfiles if the Database is on the same system as the RRDfiles. See Core and Client Totals below for explanation of calculation method.