English Chinese (Traditional)
Proc/Threads PROC /線程
The Number of Poller Processes and Threads for this Data Collector. 此數據收集器的輪詢器進程數和線程數。
Polling Time 輪詢時間
The last data collection time for this Data Collector. 此Data Collector的最後一次數據收集時間。
Avg/Max 平均/最大
The Average and Maximum Collector timings for this Data Collector. 此Data Collector的Average和Maximum Collector時序。
The number of Devices associated with this Data Collector. 與此Data Collector關聯的設備數。
The number of SNMP gets associated with this Collector. SNMP的數量與此收集器關聯。
Scripts 劇本
The number of script calls associated with this Data Collector. 與此Data Collector關聯的腳本調用數。
Servers 伺服器
The number of script server calls associated with this Data Collector. 與此Data Collector關聯的腳本服務器調用數。
Last Finished 最後完成
The last time this Data Collector completed. 此Data Collector最後一次完成。
Last Update 最後更新
The last time this Data Collector checked in with the main Cacti site. 此數據收集器最後一次使用主Cacti站點簽入。
Last Sync 上次同步
The last time this Data Collector was full synced with main Cacti site. 此數據收集器最後一次與主Cacti站點完全同步。
No Data Collectors Found 找不到數據收集器