English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Data Collectors. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下Data Collector。
Enable Data Collector 啟用Data Collector
Enable Data Collectors 啟用Data Collector
Click 'Continue' to Synchronize the Remote Data Collector for Offline Operation. 單擊“繼續”以同步遠程數據收集器以進行脫機操作。
Click 'Continue' to Synchronize the Remote Data Collectors for Offline Operation. 單擊“繼續”以同步遠程數據收集器以進行脫機操作。
Resync Data Collector 新數據收集器
Resync Data Collectors 數據收集者
Click 'Continue' to Clear Statistics for the following Data Collector. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下Data Collector。
Click 'Continue' to Clear Statistics for following Data Collectors. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下Data Collector。
Site [edit: %s] 網站[編輯:%s]
Site [new] 網站[新]
Remote Data Collectors must be able to communicate to the Main Data Collector, and vice versa. Use this button to verify that the Main Data Collector can communicate to this Remote Data Collector. 遠程數據收集器必須能夠與主數據收集器通信,反之亦然。使用此按鈕可驗證主數據收集器是否可以與此遠程數據收集器進行通信。
Test Database Connection 測試數據庫連接
Collectors 收藏家
Pollers 輪詢
Collector Name 收藏家名稱
The Name of this Data Collector. 此數據收集器的名稱。
The unique id associated with this Data Collector. 與此Data Collector關聯的唯一ID。
The Hostname where the Data Collector is running. 運行Data Collector的主機名。
The Status of this Data Collector. 此數據收集器的狀態。