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Cacti System Notification 仙人掌系統工具
NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therefore, enabling boost automatically! 注意:已添加第二個仙人掌數據收集器。因此,自動啟用增強功能!
WARNING: Main Cacti database offline or in recovery 警告:主 Cacti 數據庫離線或正在恢復
Cacti Primary Admin Cacti Primary Admin
Cacti Automation Report requires an html based Email client Cacti Automation Report需要一個基於html的電子郵件客戶端
WARNING: Detected Poller Boost Overrun, Possible Boost Poller Crash 警告:檢測到 Poller Boost Overrun,可能 Boost Poller 崩潰
Full Sync 完全同步
New/Idle 新/空閒
Use Cacti Log Level 通用日誌級別
Data Collector Information 數據收集器信息
The primary name for this Data Collector. 此Data Collector的主要名稱。
New Data Collector 新數據收集器
Data Collector Hostname 數據收集器主機名
The hostname for Data Collector. It may have to be a Fully Qualified Domain name for the remote Pollers to contact it for activities such as re-indexing, Real-time graphing, etc. Data Collector的主機名。它可能必須是遠程輪詢器的完全限定域名,才能與其聯繫以進行重新索引,實時圖形等活動。
Custom Log Level 通用日誌級別
In Cases where you need to perform debugging for a single Data Collector Only, you can change it's log level here.
TimeZone 時區
The TimeZone for the Data Collector. Data Collector的TimeZone。
Notes for this Data Collectors Database. 此數據收集器數據庫的註釋。
Collection Settings 課程組合設定