English Chinese (Traditional)
The name for this Plugin. The name is controlled by the directory it resides in. 這個插件的名稱。名稱由它所在的目錄控制。
Plugin Description 外掛描述
A description that the Plugins author has given to the Plugin. 插件作者給插件的描述。
Main / Remote Status
The status of this Plugin. 這個插件的狀態。
The author of this Plugin. 這個插件的作者。
Requires 版本要求
This Plugin requires the following Plugins be installed first. 此插件需要首先安裝以下插件。
The version of this Plugin. 這個插件的版本。
Load Order 加載訂單
The load order of the Plugin. You can change the load order by first sorting by it, then moving a Plugin either up or down. 插件的加載順序。您可以通過先對其進行排序,然後向上或向下移動插件來更改加載順序。
No Plugins Found 找不到插件
Uninstalling this Plugin will remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Uninstall the Plugin, click 'Uninstall' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel' 卸載此插件將刪除所有插件數據和設置。如果您確實要卸載插件,請單擊下面的“卸載”。否則點擊“取消”
Are you sure you want to Uninstall? 您確定要卸載嗎?
Not Compatible, %s 不兼容,%s
Order Before Previous Plugin 在上一個插件之前訂購
Order After Next Plugin 下一個插件後的訂單
Unable to Install Plugin. The following Plugins must be installed first: %s 無法安裝插件。必須首先安裝以下插件:%s
Install Plugin 安裝外掛
Unable to Uninstall. This Plugin is required by: %s 無法卸載。此插件需要:%s