English Chinese (Traditional)
Error in Package 數據查詢錯誤
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available.
The package "%s" download or validation failed
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available
The package download or validation failed
Package XML File Damaged. 包文件
The XML files appears to be invalid. Please contact the package author
Check the package repository file for files that should exist and find the one that is missing
The XML files for the package does not exist
Packages Details 包文件
Email 電子郵件
Device class 設備規則
Import Package Filenames [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
Package 包文件
Filename 重新命名
Unchanged [不變]
Import Package Templates [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
Template Type 模版標題