English Chinese (Traditional)
Disable Notification Receiver 禁用SNMP通知接收器
Disable Notification Receivers 禁用SNMP通知接收器
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Notification Receiver. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下通知接收器
Click 'Continue' to Enable following Notification Receivers. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下通知接收器
Enable Notification Receiver 禁用SNMP通知接收器
Enable Notification Receivers %s通知接收者
Click 'Continue' to Disable Forwarding the following Notification Object the following Notification Receiver. 單擊“繼續”以禁用將以下通知對象轉發到此通知接收器。
Click 'Continue' to Disable Forwarding the following Notification Objects to the following Notification Receiver. 單擊“繼續”以禁用將以下通知對象轉發到此通知接收器。
Disable Forwarding Object 禁用通知對象
Disable Forwarding Objects 禁用通知對象
Click 'Continue' to Enable Forwarding the following Notification Object to this Notification Receiver. 單擊“繼續”以禁用將以下通知對象轉發到此通知接收器。
Click 'Continue' to Enable Forwarding the following Notification Objects Notification Receivers. 單擊“繼續”以禁用將以下通知對象轉發到此通知接收器。
Enable Forwarding Object 禁用通知對象
Enable Forwarding Objects 禁用通知對象
Key Generation Required to Use Plugin
Package Key Information Not Found
In order to use this Plugin, you must first run the <b><i class="deviceUp">genkey.php</i></b> script in the plugin directory. Once that is complete, you will have a public and private key used to sign your packages.
You have not Trusted this Package Author. If you wish to import, check the Automatically Trust Author checkbox
The Package %s Imported Successfully 仙人掌日誌成功清除
The Package %s Import Failed