English Chinese (Traditional)
ERROR while writing XML file: %s 編寫XML文件時出錯:%s
ERROR: RRDfile %s not writeable 錯誤:RRDfile%s不可寫
Error while parsing the XML of RRDtool dump 解析RRDtool轉儲的XML時出錯
RRA (CF=%s, ROWS=%d, PDP_PER_ROW=%d, XFF=%1.2f) removed from RRD file 從RRD文件中刪除RRA(CF =%s,ROWS =%d,PDP_PER_ROW =%d,XFF =%1.2f)
RRA (CF=%s, ROWS=%d, PDP_PER_ROW=%d, XFF=%1.2f) adding to RRD file RRA(CF =%s,ROWS =%d,PDP_PER_ROW =%d,XFF =%1.2f)添加到RRD文件
Website does not have write access to %s, may be unable to create/update RRDs 網站沒有%s的寫入權限,可能無法創建/更新RRD
(Custom) 自訂
Failed to open data file, poller may not have run yet 無法打開數據文件,輪詢器可能尚未運行
RRA Folder RRA文件夾
Root 根部
Unknown RRDtool Error 未知的RRDtool錯誤
Attempting to Create Graph from Non-Template 從模板創建聚合
Attempting to Create Graph from Removed Graph Template 嘗試從已刪除的圖形模板創建圖形
Created: %s 已建立%s
ERROR: Whitelist Validation Failed. Check Data Input Method 錯誤:白名單驗證失敗。檢查數據輸入方法
Graph Not created for %s due to bad data 圖形創建
NOTE: Graph not added for Data Query %s and index %s due to Data Source verification failure
MySQL 5.6+ and MariaDB 10.0+ are great releases, and are very good versions to choose. Make sure you run the very latest release though which fixes a long standing low level networking issue that was causing spine many issues with reliability. MySQL 5.6+和MariaDB 10.0+是很棒的版本,是非常好的版本。確保你運行最新的版本,雖然它解決了一個長期存在的低級別網絡問題,這個問題導致脊柱出現許多可靠性問題。
It is STRONGLY recommended that you enable InnoDB in any %s version greater than 5.5.3. 建議您在大於5.1的任何%s版本中啟用InnoDB。
When using Cacti with languages other than English, it is important to use the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation type as some characters take more than a single byte. 將Cacti與英語以外的語言一起使用時,使用utf8mb4_unicode_ci校對類型非常重要,因為某些字符需要多個字節。