English Chinese (Traditional)
The XFF for Cacti RRA id is '%s' but should be '%s' 仙人掌RRA id'%s'的XFF應為'%s'
The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s' Cacti RRA id'%s'的行數應為'%s'
The RRA '%s' missing in the existing Cacti RRDfile RRD文件中缺少RRA'%s'
RRA '%s' missing in Cacti definition Cacti定義中缺少RRA'%s'
RRD File Information RRD文件信息
Data Source Items 數據源項目
Minimal Heartbeat 最小的心跳
Min 最小
Max 最大
Last DS 最後一個DS
Unknown Sec 未知的秒
Round Robin Archive Round Robin Archive
Cur Row Cur Row
PDP per Row 每行PDP
CDP Prep Value (0) CDP準備值(0)
CDP Unknown Data points (0) CDP未知數據點(0)
Errors Found 沒有 %s 找到
Optional Tuning Recommendations 數據源字段
rename %s to %s 將%s重命名為%s
Error while parsing the XML of rrdtool dump 解析rrdtool轉儲的XML時出錯