English Chinese (Traditional)
You have been logged out of Cacti due to %s. 由於會話超時,您已退出Cacti。
Please close your browser or %sLogin Again%s 請關閉瀏覽器或%s登錄再次%s
SNMP Notification Receiver [edit: %s] SNMP通知接收器[編輯:%s]
The Package %s Imported Successfully 仙人掌日誌成功清除
Not Compatible, %s 不兼容,%s
Unable to Install Plugin. The following Plugins must be installed first: %s 無法安裝插件。必須首先安裝以下插件:%s
Unable to Uninstall. This Plugin is required by: %s 無法卸載。此插件需要:%s
Plugin directory is not correct. Should be '%s' but is '%s' 插件目錄不正確。應該是'%s'但是'%s'
Plugin directory '%s' is missing setup.php 插件目錄'%s'缺少setup.php
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for Poller[%d]! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll! 警告:%s與Poller Interval不同步!輪詢間隔為'%d'秒,最大值為'%d'秒,但自上次輪詢以來已經過了%d秒!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for Poller[%d], please investigate. 警告:檢測到'%d'超出輪詢週期,請進行調查。
WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for Poller[%d]. Issues: %d, %s. 警告:輪詢器輸出表不為空。問題:%d,%s。
ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for Poller[%d]. Poller can not continue! 錯誤:主幹路徑:%s無效。 Poller無法繼續!
Maximum runtime of %d seconds exceeded for Poller[%d]. Exiting. 超出%d秒的最大運行時間。退出。
You have already used this hostname '%s'. Please enter a non-duplicate hostname. 您已經使用了該主機名'%s'。請輸入一個非重複的主機名。
You have already used this database hostname '%s'. Please enter a non-duplicate database hostname. 您已經使用了此數據庫主機名'%s'。請輸入一個非重複的數據庫主機名。
Site [edit: %s] 網站[編輯:%s]
%d days
Cacti Settings (%s)%s 仙人掌設置(%s)
FATAL: Spike Kill method '%s' is Invalid 致命:Spike Kill方法'%s'無效