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After the install is complete, you can make some of these directories read only to increase security. 安裝完成後,您可以將其中一些目錄設置為只讀以提高安全性。
These directories will be required to stay read writable after the install so that the Cacti remote synchronization process can update them as the Main Cacti Web Site changes 這些目錄在安裝後需要保持可讀寫狀態,以便Cacti遠程同步過程可以在主要仙人掌網站更改時更新它們
If you are installing packages, once the packages are installed, you should change the scripts directory back to read only as this presents some exposure to the web site. 如果要安裝軟件包,則在安裝軟件包後,應將腳本目錄更改為只讀,因為這會顯示網站的一些風險。
For remote pollers, it is critical that the paths that you will be updating frequently, including the plugins, scripts, and resources paths have read/write access as the data collector will have to update these paths from the main web server content. 對於遠程輪詢器,關鍵是您將頻繁更新的路徑(包括插件,腳本和資源路徑)具有讀/寫訪問權限,因為數據收集器必須從主Web服務器內容更新這些路徑。
Required Writable at Install Time Only 僅在安裝時可寫
Not Writable 可寫入
Required Writable after Install Complete 安裝完成後需要可寫
Potential permission issues 潛在的許可問題
Please make sure that your webserver has read/write access to the cacti folders that show errors below. 請確保您的網絡服務器對以下顯示錯誤的cacti文件夾具有讀/寫權限。
If SELinux is enabled on your server, you can either permanently disable this, or temporarily disable it and then add the appropriate permissions using the SELinux command-line tools. 如果您的服務器上啟用了SELinux,您可以永久禁用它,或者暫時禁用它,然後使用SELinux命令行工具添加適當的權限。
The user '%s' should have MODIFY permission to enable read/write. 用戶'%s'應具有MODIFY權限以啟用讀/寫。
An example of how to set folder permissions is shown here, though you may need to adjust this depending on your operating system, user accounts and desired permissions. 此處顯示瞭如何設置文件夾權限的示例,但您可能需要根據操作系統,用戶帳戶和所需權限進行調整
Once installation has completed the CSRF path, should be set to read-only. 安裝完成後,CSRF路徑應設置為只讀。
All folders are writable 所有文件夾都是可寫的
Input Validation Whitelist Protection 輸入驗證白名單保護
Cacti Data Input methods that call a script can be exploited in ways that a non-administrator can perform damage to either files owned by the poller account, and in cases where someone runs the Cacti poller as root, can compromise the operating system allowing attackers to exploit your infrastructure. 可以以某種方式利用調用腳本的Cacti Data Input方法,使非管理員可以破壞輪詢器帳戶擁有的任何文件,並且在有人以root用戶身份運行Cacti輪詢器的情況下,可以破壞操作系統,使攻擊者能夠利用您的基礎架構。
Therefore, several versions ago, Cacti was enhanced to provide Whitelist capabilities on the these types of Data Input Methods. Though this does secure Cacti more thoroughly, it does increase the amount of work required by the Cacti administrator to import and manage Templates and Packages. 因此,在多個版本之前,Cacti進行了增強,可以在這些類型的數據輸入法上提供白名單功能。儘管這樣做確實可以更徹底地保護Cacti,但是它確實增加了Cacti管理員導入和管理模板和軟件包所需的工作量。
The way that the Whitelisting works is that when you first import a Data Input Method, or you re-import a Data Input Method, and the script and or arguments change in any way, the Data Input Method, and all the corresponding Data Sources will be immediatly disabled until the administrator validates that the Data Input Method is valid. 白名單的工作方式是,當您首次導入數據輸入法或重新導入數據輸入法,並且腳本和/或參數以任何方式發生變化時,數據輸入法以及所有相應的數據源都會立即禁用,直到管理員確認數據輸入法有效。
To make identifying Data Input Methods in this state, we have provided a validation script in Cacti's CLI directory that can be run with the following options: 為了在此狀態下識別數據輸入法,我們在Cacti的CLI目錄中提供了一個驗證腳本,該腳本可以使用以下選項運行: