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Cacti Version 仙人掌版
License Agreement 使用授權協議
This version of Cacti (%s) does not appear to have a valid version code, please contact the Cacti Development Team to ensure this is corrected. If you are seeing this error in a release, please raise a report immediately on GitHub 此版本的Cacti(%s)似乎沒有有效的版本代碼,請聯繫Cacti開發團隊以確保其受到管理。如果您在發布中看到此錯誤,請立即在GitHub上提交報告
Thanks for taking the time to download and install Cacti, the complete graphing solution for your network. Before you can start making cool graphs, there are a few pieces of data that Cacti needs to know. 感謝您抽出寶貴時間下載並安裝Cacti,這是您網絡的完整圖形解決方案。在開始製作酷圖之前,Cacti需要了解一些數據。
Make sure you have read and followed the required steps needed to install Cacti before continuing. Install information can be found for <a href="%1$s">Unix</a> and <a href="%2$s">Win32</a>-based operating systems. 確保您已閱讀並遵循安裝Cacti所需的步驟,然後再繼續。可以在基於<a href="%1$s">Unix</a>和<a href="%2$s">Win32</a>的操作系統中找到安裝信息。
This process will guide you through the steps for upgrading from version '%s'. 此過程將指導您完成從版本&#39;%s&#39;升級的步驟。
Also, if this is an upgrade, be sure to read the <a href="%s">Upgrade</a> information file. 此外,如果這是升級,請務必閱讀<a href="%s">升級</a>信息文件。
It is NOT recommended to downgrade as the database structure may be inconsistent 不建議降級,因為數據庫結構可能不一致
Cacti is licensed under the GNU General Public License, you must agree to its provisions before continuing: Cacti根據GNU通用公共許可證獲得許可,您必須在繼續之前同意其條款:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 本程序的發布是希望它有用,但沒有任何擔保;甚至沒有適銷性或特定用途適用性的暗示保證。有關更多詳細信息,請參閱GNU通用公共許可證。
Accept GPL License Agreement 接受GPL許可協議
Select default theme: 選擇默認主題:
Pre-installation Checks 安裝前檢查
Location checks 位置檢查
Please update config.php with the correct relative URI location of Cacti (url_path). 請使用Cacti(url_path)的正確相對URI位置更新config.php。
Your Cacti configuration has the relative correct path (url_path) in config.php. 您的Cacti配置在config.php中具有相對正確的路徑(url_path)。
PHP - Recommendations (%s) PHP - 推薦
PHP Recommendations ( PHP建議
Current 當前
Recommended 推薦