English Chinese (Traditional)
Failed to apply '%s' as Automation Range 無法應用指定的自動化範圍
No matching snmp option exists 沒有匹配的snmp選項
No matching template exists 沒有匹配的模板
The Installer could not proceed due to an unexpected error. 由於意外錯誤,安裝程序無法繼續。
Please report this to the Cacti Group. 請向Cacti集團報告。
Unknown Reason: %s 未知原因:%s
You are attempting to install Cacti %s onto a 0.6.x database. Unfortunately, this can not be performed. 您正在嘗試將Cacti%s安裝到0.6.x數據庫上。不幸的是,這不能執行。
To be able continue, you <b>MUST</b> create a new database, import "cacti.sql" into it: 為了能夠繼續,你<b>必須</b>創建一個新的數據庫,導入“cacti.sql”:
You <b>MUST</b> then update "include/config.php" to point to the new database. 然後,您<b>必須</b>更新“include / config.php”以指向新數據庫。
NOTE: Your existing data will not be modified, nor will it or any history be available to the new install 注意:您的現有數據不會被修改,新安裝也不會修改它或任何歷史記錄
You have created a new database, but have not yet imported the 'cacti.sql' file. At the command line, execute the following to continue: 您已創建新數據庫,但尚未導入&#39;cacti.sql&#39;文件。在命令行中,執行以下命令以繼續:
This error may also be generated if the cacti database user does not have correct permissions on the Cacti database. Please ensure that the Cacti database user has the ability to SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INDEX on the Cacti database. 如果cacti數據庫用戶對Cacti數據庫沒有正確的權限,也可能會生成此錯誤。請確保Cacti數據庫用戶能夠在Cacti數據庫上進行SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE,CREATE,ALTER,DROP,INDEX。
You <b>MUST</b> also import MySQL TimeZone information into MySQL and grant the Cacti user SELECT access to the mysql.time_zone_name table 您還<b>必須</b>將MySQL TimeZone信息導入MySQL並授予Cacti用戶SELECT訪問mysql.time_zone_name表的權限
On Linux/UNIX, run the following as 'root' in a shell: 在Linux / UNIX上,在shell中以“root”身份運行以下命令:
On Windows, you must follow the instructions here <a target='_blank' href='https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/timezones.html'>Time zone description table</a>. Once that is complete, you can issue the following command to grant the Cacti user access to the tables: 在Windows上,您必須按照此處的說明進行<a target='_blank' href='https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/timezones.html'>時區說明表</a> 。完成後,您可以發出以下命令以授予Cacti用戶對錶的訪問權限:
Then run the following within MySQL as an administrator: 然後在MySQL中以管理員身份運行以下命令:
Test Connection 測試連結
Begin 開始
Upgrade 升級
Downgrade 降級