English Chinese (Traditional)
Should the Graphs be rendered as Thumbnails? 圖表應該呈現為縮略圖嗎?
Email Frequency 電子郵件頻率
Next Timestamp for Sending Mail Report 下一個發送郵件報告的時間戳
Start time for [first|next] mail to take place. All future mailing times will be based upon this start time. A good example would be 2:00am. The time must be in the future. If a fractional time is used, say 2:00am, it is assumed to be in the future. [first | next]郵件的開始時間。所有未來的郵寄時間都將基於此開始時間。一個很好的例子是凌晨2點。時間必須在將來。如果使用分數時間,比如凌晨2:00,則假定將來是。
Report Interval 報告間隔
Defines a Report Frequency relative to the given Mailtime above. 定義相對於上面給定的郵件時間的報告頻率。
e.g. 'Week(s)' represents a weekly Reporting Interval. 例如,'Week(s)'表示每週報告間隔。
Interval Frequency 區間頻率
Based upon the Timespan of the Report Interval above, defines the Frequency within that Interval. 根據上面報告間隔的Timespan,定義該間隔內的頻率。
e.g. If the Report Interval is 'Month(s)', then '2' indicates Every '2 Month(s) from the next Mailtime.' Lastly, if using the Month(s) Report Intervals, the 'Day of Week' and the 'Day of Month' are both calculated based upon the Mailtime you specify above. 例如,如果報告間隔為“月(s)”,則“2”表示從下一個“郵件時間”開始每隔2個月。最後,如果使用月份報告間隔,則“週日”和“日期”都是根據您在上面指定的郵件時間計算的。
Email Sender/Receiver Details 電子郵件發件人/收件人詳情
Subject 主旨
Cacti Report 仙人掌報告
This value will be used as the default Email subject. The report name will be used if left blank. 此值將用作默認電子郵件主題。如果留空,將使用報告名稱。
This Name will be used as the default E-mail Sender 此名稱將用作默認的電子郵件發件人
This Address will be used as the E-mail Senders address 此地址將用作電子郵件發件人地址
To Email Address(es) 發送電子郵件地址
Please separate multiple addresses by comma (,) 請用逗號分隔多個地址(,)
BCC Address(es) BCC地址
Blind carbon copy. Please separate multiple addresses by comma (,) 盲目抄襲。請用逗號分隔多個地址(,)