English Chinese (Traditional)
File Found 找到檔案
Path is a Directory and not a File 路徑是目錄而不是文件
File is Not Found 找不到文件
Enter a valid file path 輸入有效的文件路徑
Directory Found 找到目錄
Path is a File and not a Directory 路徑是文件而不是目錄
Directory is Not found 找不到目錄
Enter a valid directory path 輸入有效的目錄路徑
Cacti Color (%s) 仙人掌顏色(%s)
Proceed with Action
Return to previous page
Warning Unsaved Form Data 警告未保存的表單數據
Unsaved Changes Detected 檢測到未保存的更改
You have unsaved changes on this form. If you press 'Continue' these changes will be discarded. Press 'Cancel' to continue editing the form. 您在此表單上有未保存的更改。如果按“繼續”,這些更改將被丟棄。按“取消”繼續編輯表單。
Data Query Data Sources must be created through %s 必須通過%s創建數據查詢數據源
Save the current Graphs, Columns, Thumbnail, Preset, and Timeshift preferences to your profile 將當前的圖形,列,縮略圖,預設和時間偏移首選項保存到您的配置文件
%d Column %d列
Custom 自訂