English Chinese (Traditional)
Sorry, we could not process your last action. 抱歉,我們無法處理您的上一個操作。
Reason: 原因:
Action failed 行動失敗了
The response to the last action was unexpected. 對最後一次行動的回應是出乎意料的。
Help 說明
Ignore System Color 項目顏色
Cacti 仙人掌
Light Color Mode 列表模式
Note, we could not process all your actions. Details are below. 請注意,我們無法處理您的所有操作。詳情如下。
Some Actions failed 一些行動失敗了
No file selected 尚未選取檔案
Passphrases match 密碼匹配
Passphrase matches but too short 密碼短語但匹配太短
Passphrases do not match 密碼短語不匹配
Passphrase too short and not matching 密碼太短而且不匹配
Passphrase length meets 8 character minimum 密碼長度最少為8個字符
Passphrase too short 密碼太短了
Password Validation Passes 密碼驗證通過
Click again to take this Graph out of Realtime 再次單擊可使此圖表脫離實時
Click to view just this Graph in Realtime 單擊以實時查看此圖表