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PHP's Mailer Class PHP的郵件程序類
Method: SMTP 方法:SMTP
Not Shown for Security Reasons 未顯示安全原因
Security 安全性
Ping Results: Ping結果
Bypassed 旁路
Creating Message Text... 創建消息文本...
Sending Message... 發送消息......
Cacti Test Message 仙人掌測試消息
Success! 成功!
Message Not Sent due to ping failure. 由於ping失敗而未發送消息。
Since Install 安裝
Cacti disabled plugin %s due to the following error: %s! See the Cacti logfile for more details. 由於以下錯誤,Cacti禁用了插件%s:%s!有關更多詳細信息,請參閱Cacti日誌文件。
- Dev %s (來自設備:%s)
- Beta %s - Beta%s
Version %s %s 版本%s%s
WARNING: Key Cacti Include File "%s" missing. Please locate and replace this file as we checked in "%s"
System Device 同步設備
Aggregated Device 聚合設備
Not Applicable 不適用