English Chinese (Traditional)
Failed fields: 失敗的字段:
Data Source is not set as Active 數據源未設置為活動
RRDfile Folder (rra) is not writable by Poller. Folder owner: %s. Poller runs as: %s Poller無法寫入RRD文件夾。 RRD所有者:
RRDfile is not writable by Poller. RRDfile owner: %s. Poller runs as %s Poller無法寫入RRD文件。 RRD所有者:
RRDfile does not match Data Source RRD文件與數據配置文件不匹配
RRDfile not updated after polling 輪詢後RRD文件未更新
Data Source returned Bad Results for 數據源返回錯誤結果
Data Source was not polled 未對數據源進行調查
No issues found 沒有發現問題
RRDfile not created yet 輪詢後RRD文件未更新
Settings save to Data Collector %d skipped due to heartbeat. 設置保存到Data Collector%d失敗。
Settings save to Data Collector %d Failed. 設置保存到Data Collector%d失敗。
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' does not allow nulls and variable is null
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' with Value '%s' Failed REGEX '%s'
One or more fields failed validation
Error 錯誤
Information PHP 資訊
Message Not Found. 未找到信息。
Error %s is not readable 錯誤%s無法讀取
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