English Chinese (Traditional)
Granted By: 授予方:
Granted 已授權權限數
Restricted 受限
Branch: 科:
Device: 裝置:
Your account has been locked. Please contact your Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
Access Denied! Login Disabled. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
Access Denied! Login Failed. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
Web Basic Authentication configured, but no username was passed from the web server. Please make sure you have authentication enabled on the web server. 已配置Web基本身份驗證,但未從Web服務器傳遞用戶名。請確保您在Web服務器上啟用了身份驗證。
%s authenticated by Web Server, but both Template and Guest Users are not defined in Cacti. %s由Web Server進行身份驗證,但模板和來賓用戶都未在Cacti中定義。
Access Denied! LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! LDAP Error: %s LDAP錯誤:%s
Access Denied! No password provided by user. 拒絕訪問!用戶未提供密碼。
LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! Template user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
Access Denied! Login failed. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
Your Cacti administrator has forced complex passwords for logins and your current Cacti password does not match the new requirements. Therefore, you must change your password now. 您的Cacti管理員已強制使用複雜的密碼登錄,而您當前的Cacti密碼不符合新要求。因此,您必須立即更改密碼。
Password must be at least %d characters! 密碼必須至少為%d個字符!
Your password must contain at least 1 numerical character! 您的密碼必須至少包含1個數字字符!
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters! 您的密碼必須包含小寫和大寫字符的混合!