English Chinese (Traditional)
No Tree Creation Criteria 沒有樹創建標準
Device Match Rule 設備匹配規則
Create Graph Rule 創建圖規則
Graph Match Rule 圖匹配規則
Create Tree Rule (Device) 創建樹規則(設備)
Create Tree Rule (Graph) 創建樹規則(圖)
Rule Item [edit rule item for %s: %s] 規則項[編輯%s的規則項:%s]
Rule Item [new rule item for %s: %s] 規則項[%s的新規則項:%s]
Added by Cacti Automation 由Cacti Automation添加
ERROR: IP ranges in the form of range1-range2 are no longer supported. 錯誤:不再支持採用 range1-range2 形式的 IP 範圍。
The file is too big.
Incomplete file transfer.
No file uploaded. 尚未選取檔案
Temporary folder missing.
Failed to write file to disk
File upload stopped by extension
Invalid file extension.
Automation Network SNMP Rule '%s' %s!
Imported 匯入
Updated 更新