English Chinese (Traditional)
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep monthly statistics.
Yearly Partition Retention 數據保留
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep yearly statistics.
RRDfile Check RRDfile清理器
Enable RRDfile Check 啟用規則
Should RRDfile Check be enabled for this Cacti system? 是否應該為此Cacti系統收集數據源統計信息?
Number of RRDfile Check Processes Boost進程數
The number of concurrent RRDfile Check processes to use to use to process all of rrd files. 用於處理boost表中所有RRD的並發boost進程數。
Check Frequency 頻率
How frequent should RRD be checked ? Daily Stats應該多久更新一次?
Data Storage Settings 數據存儲設置
Choose if RRDs will be stored locally or being handled by an external RRDtool proxy server. 選擇RRD是存儲在本地還是由外部RRDtool代理服務器處理。
Local 本地
RRDtool Proxy Server RRDtool代理服務器
Structure RRDfile Paths 結構化RRD路徑
Enable Structured Paths 結構化RRD路徑
Use a separate subfolder for each hosts RRD files. The naming of the RRDfiles will be one of the following:<br><ul><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/host_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_id/data_query_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_hash/device_id/local_data_id.rrd,</li><li>&lt;path_cacti&gt;/rra/device_hash/device_id/data_query_id/local_data_id.rrd.</li></ul><br>You can make this change after install by running the CLI script <b>structure_rra_paths.php</b> after you make the change. NOTE: If you change Max Directories value to decrease the number of directories, or if you change the Directory Pattern, empty directories will not be pruned after you rerun the <b>structure_rra_paths.php</b> script.
Directory Pattern 找到目錄
Which Directory Pattern do you wish to use for Structured RRD Paths. 'Device ID' is the default. The setting 'Device ID/Data Query ID' should be used when you have Devices with thousands of Graphs. After Changing the Directory Pattern, you must run the Structured Path CLI script again to modify the RRDfile paths to the new Pattern.
Device ID 裝置