English Chinese (Traditional)
Memory Limit for Boost and Poller Boost和Poller的內存限制
The maximum amount of memory for the Cacti Poller and Boosts Poller Cacti Poller和Boosts Poller的最大內存量
Maximum RRD Update Script Run Time 最大RRD更新腳本運行時間
If the boost poller exceeds this runtime, a warning will be placed in the cacti log, 如果boost poller刪除了此運行時,則會在cacti日誌中發出警告,
Enable direct population of poller_output_boost table 啟用poller_output_boost表的直接填充
Enables direct insert of records into poller output boost with results in a 25% time reduction in each poll cycle. 允許將記錄直接插入到輪詢器輸出增強中,結果是每個輪詢週期減少25%的時間。
Boost Debug Log 提升調試日誌
If this field is non-blank, Boost will log RRDUpdate output from the boost poller process. 如果此字段為非空白,則Boost將記錄來自boost poller進程的RRDupdate輸出。
Image Caching 圖像緩存
Enable Image Caching 啟用圖像緩存
Should image caching be enabled? 應該啟用圖像緩存嗎?
Location for Image Files 圖像文件的位置
Specify the location where Boost should place your image files. These files will be automatically purged by the poller when they expire. 指定Boost放置圖像文件的位置。輪詢器到期時,這些文件將被輪詢器自動清除。
Data Sources Statistics 數據來源統計
Enable Data Source Statistics Collection 啟用數據源統計信息收集
Should Data Source Statistics be collected for this Cacti system? 是否應該為此Cacti系統收集數據源統計信息?
Data Collection Method 數據採集
Data Source Statistics can use a legacy method where it will determine peak and average values, or an advanced mode which will calculated several additional statistical values in addition to peak and average. Using All Statistical Metrics can place additional CPU and IO load on the system.
Peak/Average Only
All Statistical Metrics 明確統計