English Chinese (Traditional)
Uptime: 運行時間
Web Basic Web Basic
Graph:(%s%s) 圖表 :
Device:(%s%s) 裝置:
Template:(%s%s) 模板
Graph+Device+Template:(%s%s) 設備模板:
Device+Template:(%s%s) 設備模板:
Restricted By: 受限
Granted By: 授予方:
%s authenticated by Web Server, but both Template and Guest Users are not defined in Cacti. %s由Web Server進行身份驗證,但模板和來賓用戶都未在Cacti中定義。
Access Denied! LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! LDAP Error: %s LDAP錯誤:%s
LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! Template user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
Password must be at least %d characters! 密碼必須至少為%d個字符!
%s MBytes %d MBytes
%s KBytes %s GBytes
%s Bytes %s GBytes
%s - WEBUI NOTE: Cacti Log Cleared from Web Management Interface. %s - WEBUI注意:從Web管理界面清除Cacti日誌。
- Admin Filter active - 管理員過濾器有效