English Chinese (Traditional)
Threads per Process 每個進程的默認線程數
The Default Threads allowed per process. NOTE: Starting in Cacti 1.2+, this setting is maintained in the Data Collector, and this is simply the Preset. Using a higher number when using Spine will improve performance. However, ensure that you have enough MySQL/MariaDB connections to support the following equation: connections = data collectors * processes * (threads + script servers). You must also ensure that you have enough spare connections for user login connections as well. 每個進程允許的默認線程。注意:從Cacti 1.2+開始,此設置在Data Collector中維護,這只是預設。使用Spine時使用更高的數字將提高性能。但是,請確保您有足夠的MySQL / MariaDB連接以支持以下等式:connections = data collectorors * processes *(threads + script servers)。您還必須確保為用戶登錄連接提供足夠的備用連接。
Authentication Method 認證方法
<blockquote><i>Built-in Authentication</i> - Cacti handles user authentication, which allows you to create users and give them rights to different areas within Cacti.<br><br><i>Web Basic Authentication</i> - Authentication is handled by the web server. Users can be added or created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used.<br><br><i>LDAP Authentication</i> - Allows for authentication against a LDAP server. Users will be created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used. If PHPs LDAP module is not enabled, LDAP Authentication will not appear as a selectable option.<br><br><i>Multiple LDAP/AD Domain Authentication</i> - Allows administrators to support multiple disparate groups from different LDAP/AD directories to access Cacti resources. Just as LDAP Authentication, the PHP LDAP module is required to utilize this method.</blockquote> <blockquote> <i>內置身份驗證</i> - Cacti處理用戶身份驗證,允許您創建用戶並授予他們對Cacti內不同區域的權限。 <br><br> <i>Web基本身份驗證</i> - 身份驗證由Web服務器處理。如果定義了模板用戶,則可以在首次登錄時自動添加或創建用戶,否則將使用定義的訪客權限。 <br><br> <i>LDAP身份驗證</i> - 允許對LDAP服務器進行身份驗證。如果定義了模板用戶,將在首次登錄時自動創建用戶,否則將使用定義的訪客權限。如果未啟用PHPs LDAP模塊,則LDAP身份驗證不會顯示為可選選項。 <br><br> <i>多個LDAP / AD域身份驗證</i> - 允許管理員支持來自不同LDAP / AD目錄的多個不同組以訪問Cacti資源。與LDAP身份驗證一樣,PHP LDAP模塊也需要使用此方法。 </blockquote>
Support Authentication Cookies 支持身份驗證Cookie
If a user authenticates and selects 'Keep me signed in', an authentication cookie will be created on the user's computer allowing that user to stay logged in. The authentication cookie expires after 90 days of non-use. Note, the client must use HTTPS to leverage this feature. 如果用戶進行身份驗證並選擇“保持登錄狀態”,則將在用戶的計算機上創建一個身份驗證cookie,允許該用戶保持登錄狀態。身份驗證cookie在不使用90天后過期。
Special Users 特殊用戶
Primary Admin 主要管理員
The name of the primary administrative account that will automatically receive Emails when the Cacti system experiences issues. To receive these Emails, ensure that your mail settings are correct, and the administrative account has an Email address that is set. 當Cacti系統遇到問題時將自動接收電子郵件的主管理帳戶的名稱。要接收這些電子郵件,請確保您的郵件設置正確,並且管理帳戶具有已設置的電子郵件地址。
No User 使用者:
Guest User 遊客
The name of the guest user for viewing graphs; is 'No User' by default. 用於查看圖表的訪客用戶的名稱;默認為“無用戶”。
User Template 使用者範本
The name of the user that Cacti will use as a template for new Web Basic and LDAP users; is 'guest' by default. This user account will be disabled from logging in upon being selected. Cacti將用作新Web Basic和LDAP用戶模板的用戶名;默認為&#39;來賓&#39;。被選中時,將禁止此用戶帳戶登錄。
Account Locking 帳戶鎖定
Lock Accounts 鎖定帳戶
Lock an account after this many failed attempts in 1 hour. 在1小時內多次嘗試失敗後鎖定一個帳戶。
1 Attempt 嘗試1次
%d Attempts 嘗試%d次
Auto Unlock 自動解鎖