English Chinese (Traditional)
Number of PHP Script Servers PHP腳本服務器的數量
The number of concurrent script server processes to run per spine process. Settings between 1 and 15 are accepted. This parameter will help if you are running several threads and script server scripts and is only valid for the spine Data Collector. 每個Spine進程運行的並發腳本服務器進程數。接受1到10之間的設置。如果您運行多個線程和腳本服務器腳本,此參數將有所幫助。
Script and Script Server Timeout Value 腳本和腳本服務器超時值
The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and valid for both cmd.php and spine Data Collectors. Cacti等待腳本完成的最長時間。此超時值以秒為單位
Periodic All Device Re-Index
Re-Index All Device Schedule 重新索引方法
At what frequency do you wish to Re-Index all Devices. This Re-Index will occur at midnight at the frequency that you select.
Weekly on Sunday
Monthly on Sunady 每月一次
Background Timeout and Concurrent Process Settings 圖例字體設置
Report Generation Timeout 遠程代理超時
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Reports Generation script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Cacti的Reports Generation腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。
%s Minute %s Minutes
Data Source Statistics Timeout 數據來源統計
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Data Source Statistics script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Cacti的數據源統計腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。
RRDChecker Timeout DNS超時
The maximum amount of time Cacti's RRDfile Check script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. Cacti的Spikekill腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。
%s Hour %s小時
Poller Commands Timeout 後台命令超時
The maximum amount of time Cacti's Background Commands script can run without generating a timeout error and being killed. This script will perform tasks such as re-indexing Devices and pruning devices from Remote Data Collectors. Cacti的Background Commands腳本可以運行的最長時間,而不會產生超時錯誤並被殺死。