English Chinese (Traditional)
Minimum Refresh Interval 刷新間隔
This is the minimal supported time between Graph updates. This value is also used to set certain RRDfile attributes. If you have a Device that caches data and does not provide realtime updates, you may have to increase the default Minimum Refresh Interval to prevent creating Graphs with gaps. 這是圖表更新之間支持的最短時間。此值還用於設置某些 RRDfile 屬性。如果您的設備緩存數據並且不提供實時更新,您可能需要增加默認的最小刷新間隔以防止創建有間隙的圖形。
Cache Directory 緩存目錄
This is the location, on the web server where the RRDfiles and PNG files will be cached. This cache will be managed by the poller. Make sure you have the correct read and write permissions on this folder 這是將緩存RRD文件和PNG文件的Web服務器上的位置。此緩存將由輪詢器管理。確保您對此文件夾具有正確的讀寫權限
RRDtool Graph Options 圖表選項
Custom Watermark 自定義數據
Text placed at the bottom center of every Graph. 文本位於每個圖形的底部中心。
Custom Date Format 自定義日期格式
To be used when formatting |date_time| on a graph 格式化 |date_time| 時使用在圖表上
Disable RRDtool Watermark RRDtool圖形水印
Provided your RRDtool version supports it, you may disable RRDtool advertisement on your Graphs by checking this option. 如果您的 RRDtool 版本支持它,您可以通過選中此選項禁用圖形上的 RRDtool 廣告。
Font Selection Method 字體選擇方法
How do you wish fonts to be handled by default? 您希望默認情況下如何處理字體?
System 取得系統報表
Default Font 預設字型
When not using Theme based font control, the Pangon font-config font name to use for all Graphs. Optionally, you may leave blank and control font settings on a per object basis. 不使用基於主題的字體控件時,Pangon font-config字體名稱用於所有圖形。 (可選)您可以基於每個對象留空和控製字體設置。
Enter Valid Font Config Value 輸入有效字體配置值
Title Font Size 標題字體大小
The size of the font used for Graph Titles Graph Titles使用的字體大小
Title Font Setting 標題字體設置