English Chinese (Traditional)
Please wait while the installation system for Cacti Version %s initializes. You must have JavaScript enabled for this to work. 請等待Cacti Version%s的安裝系統初始化。您必須啟用JavaScript才能使用此功能。
See the PHP Manual: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.json.php">JavaScript Object Notation</a>. 請參閱PHP手冊: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.json.php">JavaScript對象表示法</a> 。
The php-json module must also be installed. 您已安裝的RRDtool版本。
See the PHP Manual: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.disable-functions">Disable Functions</a>. 請參閱PHP手冊: <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.disable-functions">禁用功能</a> 。
The shell_exec() and/or exec() functions are currently blocked. shell_exec()和/或exec()函數當前被阻止。
Display Graphs from this Aggregate 顯示此聚合的圖形
The Graphs chosen for the Aggregate Graph below represent Graphs from multiple Graph Templates. Aggregate does not support creating Aggregate Graphs from multiple Graph Templates. 為下面的聚合圖選擇的圖表表示來自多個圖模板的圖。 Aggregate不支持從多個圖表模板創建聚合圖。
The Graphs chosen for the Aggregate Graph do not use Graph Templates. Aggregate does not support creating Aggregate Graphs from non-templated graphs. 為聚合圖選擇的圖不使用圖模板。 Aggregate不支持從非模板化圖形創建聚合圖。
Graph Item 圖項目
CF Type CF型
Item Color 項目顏色
Color Template 彩色模板
Skip 跳過
Aggregate Items are not editable 聚合項目不可編輯
Type 類型
No Matching Devices 沒有匹配的設備
Objects 各式物品
A blue font color indicates that the rule will be applied to the objects in question. Other objects will not be subject to the rule. 藍色字體顏色表示該規則將應用於相關對象。其他對像不受此規則約束。
Device Status 設備狀態
There are no Objects that match this rule. 沒有符合此規則的對象。