English Chinese (Traditional)
TCP port for encrypted communication with the backup proxy. 用於與備份代理進行加密通信的TCP端口。
The fingerprint of the current public RSA key the backup proxy is using. This required to establish a trusted connection. 備份代理正在使用的當前公共RSA密鑰的指紋。這需要建立可信連接。
Spike Kill Settings 秒殺設置
Removal Method 去除方法
There are two removal methods. The first, Standard Deviation, will remove any sample that is X number of standard deviations away from the average of samples. The second method, Variance, will remove any sample that is X% more than the Variance average. The Variance method takes into account a certain number of 'outliers'. Those are exceptional samples, like the spike, that need to be excluded from the Variance Average calculation. 有兩種刪除方法。第一個標準偏差將從樣本的平均值中移除任何X個標準偏差的樣本。第二種方法Variance將刪除比方差平均值高X%的任何樣本。方差方法考慮了一定數量的“異常值”。這些是需要從方差平均值計算中排除的特殊樣本,如尖峰。
Standard Deviation 標準偏差
Variance Based w/Outliers Removed 基於方差的w /異常值被刪除
Replacement Method 更換方法
There are three replacement methods. The first method replaces the spike with the average of the data source in question. The second method replaces the spike with a 'NaN'. The last replaces the spike with the last known good value found. 有三種替代方法。第一種方法用所討論的數據源的平均值替換峰值。第二種方法用'NaN'替換尖峰。最後一個用最後已知的良好值替換尖峰。
Average 平均
NaN's NaN的
Last Known Good 最後知道的好
Number of Standard Deviations 標準偏差數
Any value that is this many standard deviations above the average will be excluded. A good number will be dependent on the type of data to be operated on. We recommend a number no lower than 5 Standard Deviations. 任何高於平均值的標準差都將被排除在外。一個好的數字將取決於要操作的數據類型。我們建議使用不低於5個標準偏差的數字。
%d Standard Deviations %d標準偏差
Variance Percentage 差異百分比
This value represents the percentage above the adjusted sample average once outliers have been removed from the sample. For example, a Variance Percentage of 100%% on an adjusted average of 50 would remove any sample above the quantity of 100 from the graph. 該值表示從樣本中移除異常值後高於調整後樣本平均值的百分比。例如,調整後的平均值為50的100 %%的方差百分比將從圖表中刪除高於100的任何樣本。
Variance Number of Outliers 異常值的方差數
This value represents the number of high and low average samples will be removed from the sample set prior to calculating the Variance Average. If you choose an outlier value of 5, then both the top and bottom 5 averages are removed. 該值表示在計算方差平均值之前將從樣本集中移除的高和低平均樣本的數量。如果選擇異常值為5,則會刪除最高和最低5個平均值。
%d High/Low Samples %d高/低樣品