English Chinese (Traditional)
Hourly Average Window 每小時平均窗口
The number of consecutive hours that represent the hourly average. Keep in mind that a setting too high can result in very large memory tables 表示每小時平均值的連續小時數。請記住,設置太高會導致內存表非常大
Maintenance Time 維護時間
What time of day should Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Data be updated? Format is HH:MM [am/pm] 什麼時候應該更新每週,每月和每年的數據?格式為HH:MM [am / pm]
Memory Limit for Data Source Statistics Data Collector 數據源統計數據收集器的內存限制
The maximum amount of memory for the Cacti Poller and Data Source Statistics Poller Cacti Poller和數據源統計輪詢器的最大內存量
Data Storage Settings 數據存儲設置
Choose if RRDs will be stored locally or being handled by an external RRDtool proxy server. 選擇RRD是存儲在本地還是由外部RRDtool代理服務器處理。
Local 本地
RRDtool Proxy Server RRDtool代理服務器
Proxy Server 代理服務器
The DNS hostname or IP address of the RRDtool proxy server. RRDtool代理服務器的DNS主機名或IP地址。
Proxy Port Number 代理端口號
TCP port for encrypted communication. 用於加密通信的TCP端口。
RSA Fingerprint RSA指紋
The fingerprint of the current public RSA key the proxy is using. This is required to establish a trusted connection. 代理正在使用的當前公共RSA密鑰的指紋。這是建立可信連接所必需的。
RRDtool Proxy Server - Backup RRDtool代理服務器 - 備份
Load Balancing 負載均衡
If both main and backup proxy are receivable this option allows to spread all requests against RRDtool. 如果主代理和備份代理都是可接收的,則此選項允許將所有請求分散到RRDtool。
The DNS hostname or IP address of the RRDtool backup proxy server if proxy is running in MSR mode. 如果代理在MSR模式下運行,則RRDtool備份代理服務器的DNS主機名或IP地址。