English Chinese (Traditional)
Balance Process Load 平衡過程負荷
If you choose this option, Cacti will attempt to balance the load of each poller process by equally distributing poller items per process. 如果選擇此選項,Cacti將嘗試通過平均分配每個進程的輪詢項來平衡每個輪詢器進程的負載。
Debug Output Width 調試輸出寬度
If you choose this option, Cacti will check for output that exceeds Cacti's ability to store it and issue a warning when it finds it. 如果選擇此選項,Cacti將檢查超出Cacti存儲能力的輸出,並在找到時發出警告。
Disable increasing OID Check 禁用增加OID檢查
Controls disabling check for increasing OID while walking OID tree. 控制在行走OID樹時禁用檢查增加OID。
Remote Agent Timeout 遠程代理超時
SNMP Bulkwalk Fetch Size SNMP Bulkwalk獲取大小
How many OID's should be returned per snmpbulkwalk request? For Devices with large SNMP trees, increasing this size will increase re-index performance over a WAN. 每個snmpbulkwalk請求應該返回多少個OID?對於具有大型SNMP樹的設備,增加此大小將提高WAN上的重新索引性能。
Poller Sync Interval 輪詢器同步間隔
The default polling sync interval to use when creating a poller. This setting will affect how often remote pollers are checked and updated. 創建輪詢器時使用的默認輪詢同步間隔。此設置將影響遠程輪詢器的檢查和更新頻率。
Disable Resource Cache Replication 重建資源緩存
Additional Data Collector Settings 遠程數據收集器狀態:
Invalid Data Logging 無效的數據記錄
How would you like the Data Collector output errors logged? Options include: 'Detailed' which details every error, 'Summary' which provides the number of output errors per Device, and 'None', which does not provide error counts. 您如何記錄Spine輸出錯誤?選項是:'詳細',類似於cmd.php日誌記錄; 'Summary',它提供每個Device的輸出錯誤數量;和'無',它不提供錯誤計數。
Summary 摘要
Detailed 詳細
Number of PHP Script Servers PHP腳本服務器的數量
The number of concurrent script server processes to run per spine process. Settings between 1 and 15 are accepted. This parameter will help if you are running several threads and script server scripts and is only valid for the spine Data Collector. 每個Spine進程運行的並發腳本服務器進程數。接受1到10之間的設置。如果您運行多個線程和腳本服務器腳本,此參數將有所幫助。