English Chinese (Traditional)
The maximum allowable Graph or Data Source titles. 允許的最大圖形或數據源標題。
Data Source Field Length 數據源字段長度
The maximum Data Query field length. 最大數據查詢字段長度。
Graph Creation 圖形創建
Default Graph Type 默認圖表類型
When creating graphs, what Graph Type would you like pre-selected? 創建圖形時,您想要預先選擇哪種圖表類型?
All Types 所有類型
By Template/Data Query 通過模板/數據查詢
Log Management 日誌管理
Default Log Tail Lines 默認日誌尾線
Default number of lines of the Cacti log file to tail. Cacti日誌文件的默認行數為tail。
Maximum number of rows per page 每頁的最大行數
User defined number of lines for the CLOG to tail when selecting 'All lines'. 選擇“所有行”時,用戶定義的CLOG尾部行數。
Log Tail Refresh 記錄尾部刷新
How often do you want the Cacti log display to update. 您希望Cacti日誌顯示更新的頻率。
Log Viewer Settings 日誌查看器設置
Exclusion Regex 排除正則表達式
Any strings that match this regex will be excluded from the user display. <strong>For example, if you want to exclude all log lines that include the words 'Admin' or 'Login' you would type '(Admin || Login)'</strong> 任何與此正則表達式匹配的字符串都將從用戶顯示中排除。 <strong>例如,如果要排除包含“管理員”或“登錄”字樣的所有日誌行,則應鍵入“(管理員||登錄名)”</strong>
Real-time Graphs 實時圖表
Enable Real-time Graphing 啟用實時圖形