English Chinese (Traditional)
This is a unique string that will be matched to a devices sysName string to pair it to this Device Rule. Any Perl regular expression can be used in addition to any SQL Where expression. 這是一個唯一的字符串,它將與設備sysName字符串匹配,以將其與此自動化模板配對。除了任何SQL Where表達式之外,還可以使用任何Perl正則表達式。
This is a unique string that will be matched to a devices sysOid string to pair it to this Device Rule. Any Perl regular expression can be used in addition to any SQL Where expression. 這是一個唯一的字符串,它將與設備sysOid字符串匹配,以將其與此自動化模板配對。除了任何SQL Where表達式之外,還可以使用任何Perl正則表達式。
Device Creation Defaults 設備默認值
Device Description Pattern 設備描述
If checked, when the Automation Network is scanned if a Device is found that will be added to Cacti, its Location will be updated to match the Devices sysLocation. 如果選中,則掃描自動化網絡時,報告將發送到通知電子郵件帳戶。
Device Rules [edit: %s] 設備[編輯:%s]
Device Rules for [Deleted Template] [已刪除模板]的自動化模板
Device Rules [new] 設備模板[新]
Associated Graph Rules 相關圖表項
Graph Rule Name 圖名稱
No Associated Graph Rules 相關圖表項
Add Graph Rule 圖規則
Add Graph Rule to Device Rule 將圖形模板添加到設備
Associated Tree Rules 相關圖表項
Tree Rule Name 規則名稱
Exit On Match 系統OID匹配
No Associated Tree Rules 沒有關聯數據查詢。
Add Tree Rule 樹規則
Add Tree Rule to Device Rule 將數據查詢添加到設備模板
Delete Item from Device Rule 刪除設備模板