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Bypassed Bypassed
Choose the custom html wrapper and CSS file to use. This file contains both html and CSS to wrap around your report. If it contains more than simply CSS, you need to place a special <REPORT> tag inside of the file. This format tag will be replaced by the report content. These files are located in the 'formats' directory. 择要使用的自定义html包装器和CSS文件. 该文件包含html和CSS.以包装您的报告.如果它包含的不仅仅是CSS.你需要在文件中放置一个特殊的<REPORT>标签.此格式标签将被报告内容替换.
Click 'Continue' to purge the Log File.<br><br><br>Note: If logging is set to both Cacti and Syslog, the log information will remain in Syslog. 单击 '继续' 以清空日志文件.<br> <br> <br>注意: 如果将日志记录设置为Cacti 和Syslog,则日志信息将保留在Syslog 中.
Color Templates that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by an Aggregate Template. 正在被聚合模板引用的颜色模板不能被删除.
Colors in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced either by a Graph or a Graph Template. 正在由图形或图形模板引用的颜色不能被删除.
Cur Row Cur Row
Defines a Report Frequency relative to the given Mailtime above. 定义相对于上面给定Mailtime 的报告频率
ERROR: Installed RRDtool version does not exceed configured version.<br>Please visit the %s and select the correct RRDtool Utility Version. 错误:已安装的RRDtool版本不超过已配置的版本。
Field that will replace the email taken from LDAP. (on windows: mail) 将替换从LDAP中获取的电子邮件的字段. (Windows: 邮件)
Got SNMP get result for data @ '%s' [value='%s'] (index: %s) 获得数据 @'%s'的SNMP 获取结果 [value='%s'] (index: %s)
GPRINTs that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by either a Graph or a Graph Template. 正在被图形或图形模板引用的GPRINT 不能被删除.
Graph Templates that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by a Graph. 正在由Graph引用的图形模板不能被删除.
guest guest
Heartbeat for Data Source '%s' should be '%s' 数据源'%s' 的心跳应该是'%s'
Item #%d 项 #%d
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