English Chinese (Simplified)
Additional Data Collector Settings 远程数据采集器状态:
Align: 对齐
Any tables created by plugins may have issues linked against Cacti Core tables if the collation is not matched. Please ensure your database is changed to 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' by running the following: 如果排序规则不匹配,则插件创建的任何表都可能存在与Cacti Core 表链接的问题.请运行以下命令,确保将数据库更改为 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci':
Availability Method: 可用性方法
Cacti has Imported the following Device Rules Cacti 导入了以下条目:
Cacti has Imported the following Graph Rules Cacti 导入了以下条目:
Cacti has Imported the following SNMP Options Cacti 导入了以下条目:
Cacti has Imported the following Tree Rules Cacti 导入了以下条目:
Concurrent Processes: 并发进程
Device:(%s%s) 设备:
Device+Template:(%s%s) 设备模板:
Failed fields: 失败的字段:
Graph Height: 图形高度
Graph Width: 图形宽度
Graph:(%s%s) 图形:
Graph+Device+Template:(%s%s) 设备模板:
Image Format: 图片格式
Input Name: 数据输入名称
Logged in a Guest 当前登录的用户为:
Logged in as 当前登录的用户为: