English Chinese (Simplified)
2FA has been enabled and verified
No index[%s] in value_index_parse, skipping.
Bogus rewrite_value item found, index='%s'
Could not parse translation map (rewrite_value)
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' does not allow nulls and variable is null
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' with Value '%s' Failed REGEX '%s'
One or more fields failed validation
WARNING: Key Cacti Include File "%s" missing. Please locate and replace this file as we checked in "%s"
Absolute Max Value
Absolute Maximum
Dry Run Absolute Maximum
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Cacti regular expressions are limited to 50 characters only for security reasons.
Cacti regular expressions can not includes the semi-color character.
The specificed value appears to be different in the running config versus the INI file.
IPv6 support seems to be missing!
IPv6 support appears to be missing!
The Plugin directory '%s' needs to be renamed to remove 'plugin_' from the name before it can be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an version function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.