English Chinese (Simplified)
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Notification Receiver. 点击 '继续' 以启用以下通知接收器
Click 'Continue' to Enable following Notification Receivers. 点击 '继续' 以启用以下通知接收器
Enable Notification Receiver 禁用SNMP 通知接收器
Enable Notification Receivers %s 通知接收者
Click 'Continue' to Disable Forwarding the following Notification Object the following Notification Receiver. 点击 '继续' 以禁用将以下通知对象转发给此通知接收器.
Click 'Continue' to Disable Forwarding the following Notification Objects to the following Notification Receiver. 点击 '继续' 以禁用将以下通知对象转发给此通知接收器.
Disable Forwarding Object 禁用通知对象
Disable Forwarding Objects 禁用通知对象
Click 'Continue' to Enable Forwarding the following Notification Object to this Notification Receiver. 点击 '继续' 以禁用将以下通知对象转发给此通知接收器.
Click 'Continue' to Enable Forwarding the following Notification Objects Notification Receivers. 点击 '继续' 以禁用将以下通知对象转发给此通知接收器.
Enable Forwarding Object 禁用通知对象
Enable Forwarding Objects 禁用通知对象
There were errors packaging your Templates. Errors Follow.
A Critical Template file '%s' is missing. Please locate this file before packaging
Package Templates 数据模板
What would you like to Package? 你想导出什么?
%s Device Package 设备名称
%s Graph Template Package 图形模板名称
%s Data Query Package 数据查询名称
Available Templates 可用的模板 [%s]