English Chinese (Simplified)
Installable 已安装
Disabled by Error 启用报告
Archived 存档
Uninstalling this Plugin and may remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Uninstall the Plugin, click 'Uninstall' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. 卸载此插件将删除所有插件数据和设置.如果您确实要卸载插件,请单击下面的 '卸载'.否则点击'取消'
Removing Plugin Data and Settings for will remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Remove Data and Settings for this Plugin, click 'Remove Data' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. 卸载此插件将删除所有插件数据和设置.如果您确实要卸载插件,请单击下面的 '卸载'.否则点击'取消'
Are you sure you want to Remove all Plugin Data and Settings? 您确定要卸载吗?
Restoring this Plugin Archive will overwrite the current Plugin directory. If you really want to Restore this Plugin Archive, click 'Restore' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. 卸载此插件将删除所有插件数据和设置.如果您确实要卸载插件,请单击下面的 '卸载'.否则点击'取消'
Are you sure you want to Restore this Archive? 您确定要删除规则'%s'吗?
Deleting this Plugin Archive is not reversible without a table restore. If you really want to Delete the Plugin Archive, click 'Delete' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. 卸载此插件将删除所有插件数据和设置.如果您确实要卸载插件,请单击下面的 '卸载'.否则点击'取消'
Are you sure you want to Delete this Archive? 您确定要删除规则'%s'吗?
Loaded and Not Installed 未安装
Installed and Active 已安装
Installed and Inactive 安装Cacti 服务器 v%s
Plugin Errors 插件错误
Available for Install 可用的图形
Tag Type 总类型
Non Develop 无设备
Newer Than Installed 未安装
Restore Archive 严格
Delete Archive 删除站点