English Chinese (Simplified)
WARNING: Key Cacti Include File "%s" missing. Please locate and replace this file as we checked in "%s"
System Device 同步设备
Damaged Graph 数据源,图
Remote Server 删除标准设置
Get Page Help 获取帮助
Consolidation 合并功能
Legend 图例选项
When exporting or showing the values while hovering over the Graph, what legend to you want displayed? If empty, it will default to data_source_name (consolidation function). This does not work for some Cacti items such as TOTAL_ALL_DATA_SOURCES for example.
Metric 受限的
Select a Single Template 选择模板
Sort Column 1列
Sort Order 排序排序
Ascending 升序排序树
Descending 降序排序树
Maximum 最大记录
25th Percentile 百分之百
50th Percentile (Median) 百分之百