English Chinese (Simplified)
Size 大小
No Graphs Found 未找到图形
[ Custom Graphs List Applied - Clear to Reset ] [自定义图形列表应用 - 过滤器从列表]
Aggregate Graphs 聚合图形
Template 模板
Any 任何
The title for the Aggregate Graphs 聚合图形的标题
The internal database identifier for this object 此对象的内部数据库标识符
The Aggregate Template that this Aggregate Graphs is based upon 此聚合图形所基于的聚合模板
No Aggregate Graphs Found 未找到聚合图形
Aggregate Template [edit: %s] 聚合模板 [编辑: %s]
Aggregate Template [new] 聚合模板[新建]
Aggregate Templates 聚合模板
Templates 模板
Has Graphs 有图
Template Title 模板标题
Aggregate Templates that are in use can not be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by an Aggregate. 正在使用中的聚合模板不能被删除. 在使用中意味着它被由聚合图形引用.