Context English Chinese (Simplified)
The Template Import Succeeded.
Error in Template 导出模板
See the cacti.log for more information, and review the XML file for proper syntax. The error details are shown below.<br><br><b>Errors:</b><br>%s
The Template XML file "%s" validation failed
Import Files [ If Files are missing, locate and install before using ]
File Name 字段名称
Not Readable 不可写入
Import Templates [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
Dependencies 包含依赖
Damaged 数据源,图
Met: %d
Unmet: %d
Some CDEF Items will not import due to an export error! Contact Template provider for an updated export. 由于导出错误,某些CDEF项目将无法导入!请与模板提供商联系以获取更新的导出。
Import Template 导入模板
Failed to access temporary folder, import functionality is disabled 无法访问临时文件夹,导入功能被禁用
dropdown action Publish 发布
dropdown action Un-Publish 未发布
dropdown action Un-Lock 锁定
ordering of tree items inherit 继承