With modern SSD type storage, having multiple io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics.
采用现代SSD 类型的存储器,具有多个IO 线程对于具有高IO 特性的应用是有利的.
As of %s %s, the you can control how often %s flushes transactions to disk. The default is 1 second, but in high I/O systems setting to a value greater than 1 can allow disk I/O to be more sequential
从 %s %s开始,您可以控制 %s将交易刷新到磁盘的频率. 默认值是1秒,但是在高I/O系统中设置为大于1的值可以允许磁盘I/O更有序
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple read io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. Depending on your MariaDB/MySQL versions, this value can go as high as 64. But try to keep the number less than your total SMT threads on the database server.
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple write io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics. Depending on your MariaDB/MySQL versions, this value can go as high as 64. But try to keep the number less than your total SMT threads on the database server.
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MariaDB less than 10.5. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max the number of CPU cores or 64.
%s会将innodb_buffer_pool分成内存区域以提高性能. 最大值是64.当您的innodb_buffer_pool小于1GB时,您应该使用池大小除以128MB. 继续使用这个等式,最大值为64.
%s will divide the innodb_buffer_pool into memory regions to improve performance for versions of MySQL upto and including MySQL 8.0. The max value is 64, but should not exceed more than the number of CPU cores/threads. When your innodb_buffer_pool is less than 1GB, you should use the pool size divided by 128MB. Continue to use this equation up to the max of the number of CPU cores or 64.
%s会将innodb_buffer_pool分成内存区域以提高性能. 最大值是64.当您的innodb_buffer_pool小于1GB时,您应该使用池大小除以128MB. 继续使用这个等式,最大值为64.
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. If you have physical hard drives, use 200 * the number of active drives in the array. If using NVMe or PCIe Flash, much larger numbers as high as 100000 can be used.
如果您有SSD磁盘,请使用此建议。如果您有物理硬盘驱动器,请使用200 *阵列中的活动驱动器数量。如果使用NVMe或PCIe闪存,可以使用高达100000的更大数字。
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. If you have physical hard drives, use 2000 * the number of active drives in the array. If using NVMe or PCIe Flash, much larger numbers as high as 200000 can be used.
如果您有SSD磁盘,请使用此建议。如果您有物理硬盘驱动器,请使用2000 *阵列中的活动驱动器数量。如果使用NVMe或PCIe Flash,则可以使用高达200000的更大数字。
If you have SSD disks, use this suggestion. Otherwise, do not set this setting.
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple read io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics.
With modern SSD type storage, having multiple write io threads is advantageous for applications with high io characteristics.
When using MariaDB 10.2.4 and above, this setting should be off if atomic writes are enabled. Therefore, please enable atomic writes instead of the double write buffer as it will increase performance.
使用 MariaDB 10.2.4 及更高版本时,如果启用了原子写入,则应关闭此设置。因此,请启用原子写入而不是双写入缓冲区,因为它会提高性能。
When using MariaDB 10.2.4 and above, you can use atomic writes over the doublewrite buffer to increase performance.
使用 MariaDB 10.2.4 及更高版本时,您可以在双写缓冲区上使用原子写入来提高性能。
%s Tuning
%s 调优
Note: Many changes below require a database restart
注意: 下面的许多修改要求重启数据库才能生效
Current Value
Recommended Value
PHP %s is the minimum version
PHP %s 是最低版本要求