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English Chinese (Simplified)
Unable to find user from DN 无法从DN中找到用户
Unable to find users DN 无法找到用户DN
Unable to create LDAP connection object to Server (%s) 无法创建到服务器(%s)的LDAP连接对象
Specific DN and Password required 需要特定的DN和密码
Invalid Password provided. Login failed. 提供的密码无效。登录失败。
Unexpected error %s (Ldap Error: %s) on Server (%s) 意外错误%s(Ldap错误:%s)(在服务器(%s)上)
ICMP Ping timed out ICMP Ping 超时
ICMP Ping Success (%s ms) ICMP Ping 成功 (%s ms)
ICMP ping Timed out ICMP ping 超时
Destination address not specified 目的地地址未指定
default 默认
IPv6 support seems to be missing!
UDP ping error: %s UDP ping error: %s
UDP Ping Success (%s ms) UDP Ping 成功 (%s ms)
IPv6 support appears to be missing!
TCP Ping Success Connection Refused (%s ms) TCP Ping 成功 (%s ms)
TCP Ping Failed: socket_connect(), reason: %s TCP ping: socket_connect(), 原因: %s
TCP Ping Failed: socket_select() failed, reason: %s TCP ping: socket_select()失败, 原因: %s
TCP Ping Success (%s ms) TCP Ping 成功 (%s ms)
TCP ping timed out TCP ping 超时