English Chinese (Simplified)
Bad Indexes 索引
Note that this query may take some time to run. 请注意,此查询可能需要一些时间才能运行。
The name of this Data Source. Generally programmatically generated from the Data Template definition. 此数据源的名称. 通常通过数据模板定义以编程方式生成.
The number of Graphs and Aggregate Graphs that are using the Data Source. 使用此数据查询的图形模板的数量.
Damaged Data Source Name 数据源名称
No Graphs 图形
No Aggregates 聚合
Field "%s" is missing an Output Field. Select the Output Field associated with this Data Source, and press Save again.
The Poller Cache operation has been launched in background for Data Template ID %d.
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Data Template. 点击 '继续' 删除以下颜色模板
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Data Templates. 点击 '继续' 删除以下设备模板.
Delete Data Template 删除数据模板
Delete Data Templates 删除数据模板
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following Data Template. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的树.
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Data Templates. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的树.
Duplicate Data Template 重复数据模板
Duplicate Data Templates 重复数据模板
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile the following Data Template. 点击 '继续' 删除以下设备模板.
Click 'Continue' to Change Profile following Data Templates. 点击 '继续' 删除以下设备模板.
Change Profile for Data Template 修改图形模板