Additional SNMP Options
其他SNMP 选项
Error Locating Profiles
The installation cannot continue because no profiles could be found.
This may occur if you have a blank database and have not yet imported the cacti.sql file
如果您的数据库为空且尚未导入cacti.sql 文件,则可能会导致这种情况
Template Setup
Please select the Device Templates that you wish to update during the Upgrade.
选择您希望从Cacti 导出的模板类型.
Updating Templates that you have already made modifications to is not advisable. The Upgrade of the Templates will NOT remove modifications to Graph and Data Templates, and can lead to unexpected behavior. However, if you have not made changes to any Graph, Data Query, or Data Template, reimporting the Package should not have any affect. In that case, you would have to 'Sync Graphs' to from the Templates after update.
Please select the Device Templates that you wish to use after the Install. If you Operating System is Windows, you need to ensure that you select the 'Windows Device' Template. If your Operating System is Linux/UNIX, make sure you select the 'Local Linux Machine' Device Template.
请在安装后选择您想要使用的设备模板. 如果您的操作系统是Windows,则需要确保选择 'Windows 设备' 模板.如果您的操作系统是Linux/UNIX,请确保选择 ' Local Linux Machine' 设备模板.
Device Templates allow you to monitor and graph a vast assortment of data within Cacti. After you select the desired Device Templates, press 'Next' and the installation will complete. Please be patient on this step, as the importation of the Device Templates can take a few minutes.
设备模板允许您监视和绘制Cacti 内的大量数据. 选择所需的设备模板后,按'完成',安装完成. 请耐心等待,因为输入设备模板可能需要几分钟的时间.
Server Collation
Your server collation appears to be UTF8 compliant
您的服务器排序规则似乎符合UTF8 标准
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant.
您的服务器排序规则似乎不完全符合UTF8 标准.
Under the [mysqld] section, locate the entries named 'character-set-server' and 'collation-server' and set them as follows:
在[mysqld]部分下,找到名为 'character-set-server' 和 'collation-server' 的条目, 并按如下所示进行设置:
Database Collation
Your database default collation appears to be UTF8 compliant
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant.
Any tables created by plugins may have issues linked against Cacti Core tables if the collation is not matched. Please ensure your database is changed to 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' by running the following:
如果排序规则不匹配,则插件创建的任何表都可能存在与Cacti Core 表链接的问题. 请运行以下命令,确保将数据库更改为 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci':
Table Setup
You have more tables than your PHP configuration will allow us to display/convert. Please modify the max_input_vars setting in php.ini to a value above %s