English Chinese (Simplified)
One or more paths appear to be incorrect, unable to proceed 一个或多个路径似乎不正确,无法继续
Directory Permission Checks 目录权限检查
Please ensure the directory permissions below are correct before proceeding. During the install, these directories need to be owned by the Web Server user. These permission changes are required to allow the Installer to install Device Template packages which include XML and script files that will be placed in these directories. If you choose not to install the packages, there is an 'install_package.php' cli script that can be used from the command line after the install is complete. 在继续之前,请确保以下目录权限是正确的. 在安装过程中,这些目录需要由Web 服务器用户拥有. 这些权限更改是必需的,以允许安装程序安装包含将放置在这些目录中的XML 和脚本文件的设备模板包. 如果您选择不安装软件包,则在安装完成后,会有一个可从命令行使用的 'install_package.php' 脚本.
After the install is complete, you can make some of these directories read only to increase security. 安装完成后,您可以使这些目录中的某些只读,以提高安全性.
These directories will be required to stay read writable after the install so that the Cacti remote synchronization process can update them as the Main Cacti Web Site changes 在安装后,这些目录将被要求保持可读写状态,以便Cacti 远程同步过程可以在主Cacti 网站更改时更新它们
If you are installing packages, once the packages are installed, you should change the scripts directory back to read only as this presents some exposure to the web site. 如果您正在安装软件包,一旦安装了软件包,您应该将脚本目录更改为只读,因为这会暴露给网站.
For remote pollers, it is critical that the paths that you will be updating frequently, including the plugins, scripts, and resources paths have read/write access as the data collector will have to update these paths from the main web server content. 对于远程poller 而言,频繁更新的路径(包括插件,脚本和资源路径)具有读取/写入访问权至关重要,因为数据采集器必须从主要Web服务器内容更新这些路径.
Required Writable at Install Time Only 仅在安装时需要可写
Not Writable 不可写入
Required Writable after Install Complete 安装完成后需要写入
Potential permission issues 潜在的权限问题
Please make sure that your webserver has read/write access to the cacti folders that show errors below. 请确保您的web 服务器对以下显示出错的cacti 文件夹具有读/写权限.
If SELinux is enabled on your server, you can either permanently disable this, or temporarily disable it and then add the appropriate permissions using the SELinux command-line tools. 如果您的服务器上开启了SELinux, 您可以永久禁用它,或临时关闭它,然后使用SELinux 命令行工具添加适当的权限.
The user '%s' should have MODIFY permission to enable read/write. 用户'%s '应该具有修改权限以启用读/写。
An example of how to set folder permissions is shown here, though you may need to adjust this depending on your operating system, user accounts and desired permissions. 此处显示了如何设置文件夹权限的示例,但您可能需要根据操作系统,用户帐户和所需权限进行调整.
Once installation has completed the CSRF path, should be set to read-only. 安装完成后,CSRF路径应设置为只读。
All folders are writable 所有文件夹都是可写的
Input Validation Whitelist Protection 输入验证白名单保护
Cacti Data Input methods that call a script can be exploited in ways that a non-administrator can perform damage to either files owned by the poller account, and in cases where someone runs the Cacti poller as root, can compromise the operating system allowing attackers to exploit your infrastructure. 可以以某种方式利用调用脚本的Cacti数据输入法,即非管理员可以破坏轮询器帐户拥有的任何文件,并且在有人以root身份运行Cacti轮询器的情况下,可以破坏操作系统,从而使攻击者能够利用您的基础架构。