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This menu pick will purge all existing Data Source Statistics from the Database. If Data Source Statistics is enabled, the Data Sources Statistics will start collection again on the next Data Collector pass. 该菜单选项将清除数据库中所有现有的数据源统计信息。如果启用了数据源统计信息,则数据源统计信息将在下一次数据收集器传递时再次开始收集。
SNMP Agent Utilities SNMPAgent 工具
This shows all objects being handled by the SNMP Agent. 这显示了SNMPAgent 处理的所有对象.
Rebuild SNMP Agent Cache 重建SNMPAgent 缓存
This menu pick allows you to view the latest events SNMP Agent has handled in relation to the registered notification receivers. 通过此菜单,您可以查看SNMPAgent 处理的与注册的通知接收方有关的最新事件.
Queued Boost Records: 等待Boost 记录:
Approximate in Process: 过程中的大约:
Previous Runtime Statistics 运行时统计
Last End Time: 上次开始时间:
Detailed Runtime Statistics 运行时统计
Records: %s (ds rows), Time: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Delete: %s (secs)
Previous Runtime Timers: 详细的运行时间定时器:
Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Running</b></span>, Remaining: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Idle</b></span>, PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
SNMP Agent Cache 查看SNMP Agent缓存
SNMP Agent Notification Log 查看SNMP Agent 通知日志
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following VDEF. 点击 '继续' 删除以下VDEF.
Click 'Continue' to Delete following VDEFs. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的VDEF.
Delete VDEF 删除 VDEF
Delete VDEFs 删除 VDEF