English Vietnamese
1 Thousand % d Chủ đề
10 Thousand
100 Thousand
1 Million
2.5 Million (20 Megabits)
7.5 Million (60 Megabits)
10 Million
12.5 Million (100 Megabits)
31.3 Million (250 Megabits)
75 Million (600 Megabits)
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)
1 Billion
1.25 Billion (10 Gigabits)
12.5 Billion (100 Gigabits)
DS Filter Bộ lọc
Specifies the DSes inside an RRD upon which Spikekill will operate. A string of comma-separated values that contains index numbers or names of desired DSes. If left blank, all DSes will match. An example is <i>"5,traffic_*"</i>, which would match DS index 5 as well as any DS whose name begins with <i>"traffic_"</i>.
RRDfile Backup Directory Thư mục sao lưu RRDfile
If this directory is not empty, then your original RRDfiles will be backed up to this location. Nếu thư mục này không trống, thì RRDfiles ban đầu của bạn sẽ được sao lưu vào vị trí này.
Batch Spike Kill Settings Cài đặt hàng loạt Spike Kill