English Portuguese (Portugal)
%d High/Low Samples %d Amostras altas/baixas
Max Kills Per RRA Max mata por RRA
This value represents the maximum number of spikes to remove from a Graph RRA. Este valor representa o número máximo de picos a serem removidos de um Graph RRA.
%d Spikes %d Espigas
Absolute Maximum Value
This value represents the maximum raw value of any data point to remove from a Graph RRA. Este valor representa o número máximo de picos a serem removidos de um Graph RRA.
1 Thousand %d Tópico
10 Thousand
100 Thousand
1 Million
2.5 Million (20 Megabits)
7.5 Million (60 Megabits)
10 Million
12.5 Million (100 Megabits)
31.3 Million (250 Megabits)
75 Million (600 Megabits)
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)
1 Billion
1.25 Billion (10 Gigabits)