Click 'Continue' to Overwrite the Users settings with the selected Template User settings and permissions. The original Users Full Name, Password, Realm and Enable status will be retained, all other fields will be overwritten from the Template User.
Kliknij 'Kontynuuj', aby nadpisać ustawienia Użytkownika(ów) z wybranymi ustawieniami i uprawnieniami Użytkownika. Pierwotni użytkownicy zachowają pełną nazwę użytkownika, hasło, status Realizacji i Włącz, wszystkie pozostałe pola zostaną nadpisane przez użytkownika szablonu.
Replace User Settings for User
Resetuj ustawienia użytkownika (użytkowników)
Replace User Settings for Users
Resetuj ustawienia użytkownika (użytkowników)
Template User
Szablon Użytkownik:
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Permissive' meaning the User must have access to at least one of Graph, Device, or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Permissive' meaning the User must have access to least one of Graph, Device, or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Restrictive' meaning the User must have access to either the Graph or the Device and Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Restrictive' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or the Device and Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Device' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Device to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Restrictive' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or the Device and Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Graph Template' meaning the User must have access to the Graph or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
<b>Note:</b> System Graph Policy is 'Permissive' meaning the User must have access to least one of Graph, Device, or Graph Template to gain access to the Graph
Default Graph Policy
Domyślna polityka graficzna
Default Graph Policy for this User
Domyślna polityka graficzna dla tego użytkownika
Effective Policy
Skuteczna polityka
No Matching Graphs Found
Nie znaleziono pasujących wykresów
Revoke Access
Odwołaj dostęp
Grant Access
Dodaj dostęp
Policies (Graph/Device/Template)
Polityka (wykres/urządzenie/wzór)
Non Member