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Package Contents Include
Script or Resource File '%s' does not exist. Please repackage after locating and installing this file
Key Generation Required to Use Tool
Packaging Key Information Not Found
In order to use this Packaging Tool, you must first run the <b><i class="deviceUp">genkey.php</i></b> script in the cli directory. Once that is complete, you will have a public and private key used to sign your packages.
The Web Server must have write access to the '%s' directory
Unable to initialize SQLite3
Cacti Template has Errors. Unable to parse entire template.
Data Query Graph Templates
Converteer naar grafiektemplate
Resource Files
Hulpbron is niet beschrijfbaar
Script Files
Unable to create package temporary directory %s.
The Package %s Imported Successfully
Cacti log succesvol geleegd
The Package %s Import Failed
Package %s
Click 'Continue' to Import the following Package.
Klik op 'Volgende' om het/de volgende netwerk(en) op te zoeken.